Reminder: The JCHS Band is selling Valentines! Brighten your child's day or a friend's day on February 12 with a sweet valentine! You may now order and pay online! Click this link!
REMINDER: JCHS-NECC BASKETBALL SENIOR NIGHT will be Monday, Feb. 8 at 5:30 pm followed by SR games with Spring Hill beginning at 6:00 pm. GO DRAGONS!
Tomorrow, Friday Feb. 5, our K-6 students will celebrate the 100th Day of School!
JB/SRS Dragons host Gurdon today at 5pm!
JCSD-NECC REMINDER: Tomorrow, Thursday February 4 is a virtual day so that Junction City School District employees can receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Because appointments are scattered throughout the day, the school will be closed to onsite instruction. There will be no food service or transportation tomorrow. There will be NO after school program or 7-12 Tutoring tomorrow. All other scheduled extracurricular activities will continue as planned.
JCSD-DEN Video: This video was made yesterday and edited today so please disregard Ms. Miller’s beginning announcement regarding last night’s games.
JCHS Announcements 2/3/21
REMINDER: JCSD-NECC Early Dismissal tomorrow, Wednesday, February 3. Buses roll at 2:15. No after school program tomorrow.
Chromebooks and necessary electronic equipment will be sent home tomorrow afternoon for the virtual day on Thursday.
JCHS-NECC 2021 Cheerleader Constitution and Tryout Information!
Tryout Packets are due February 17. Tryouts are February 26 in MPR.
•K-6 After School Program
•7-12 All-Subject Tutoring in Mrs. Raines's Room from 5:30 PM-6:30 PM
•Dragons host Bearden. JB/SRS in Dragon Arena beginning at 5pm
JCES-NECC Newsletter from Principal Hill for this week! We love to celebrate our students!
JCHS Announcements 2/2/21
JCES-NECC K-6 1st Semester Awards Day Video! Thanks, Ms. Miller for recording the awards and making this video!
Junction City 21st Century Community Learning Center
(21CCLC Afterschool Program)
Dear Parents,
There will be NO 21st Century after school program on:
February 4, 15, & 25 due to Virtual Day, President’s Day Holiday and Parent Teacher Conferences.
Shelley Ray
Site Coordinator
JCSD-NECC Announcement: Thursday, February 4 is a virtual day so that Junction City School District employees can receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Because appointments are scattered throughout the day Thursday, the school will be closed to onsite instruction. There will be no food service or transportation on Thursday. Chromebooks and necessary electronic equipment will be sent home Wednesday afternoon. We will release at 2:15 Wednesday as previously scheduled. There will be no after school program on Wednesday and Thursday. All scheduled extracurricular activities will continue as planned.
JCES-NECC Newsletter from Principal Hill!
JCHS Announcements 2/1/21
JCES-NECC Elementary 2020-2021 1st Semester Honor Roll and Principal's List (TAKE TWO!)
JCSD-NECC Parents:
Yes, the yearbook IS still happening just as school is still happening even though it may look and feel very different this year. Don’t wait. Make sure your student isn’t disappointed on yearbook distribution day by buying today at
JCHS-NECC 1st Semester 7-12 Honor Roll and Principal's List!