Click for 2024-25 District Calendar
In accordance with recent changes in Arkansas law, the Junction City School District adopted this academic calendar at its regular February board meeting. Recent legislation provides for several calendar options. Through a collaborative effort of administrators, licensed personnel policy committee members, and other stakeholders, the above academic calendar was adopted by the board.
It is based on instructional minutes rather than 178 traditional attendance days. This calendar exceeds the state requirement of 1,068 minimum hours of instruction. By adding 15 minutes to each day, our students will attend 1,140 hours of instruction.
The adoption of this calendar and the corresponding bell schedule allows for a greater concentration of instruction prior to mandated testing. It also allows for more frequent breaks from school; but because this calendar is based on minutes of instruction, the school year is not extended. If you have questions please contact Joy Mason at 870-924-4575 or