Halloween is Thursday and students are encouraged to dress up! HOWEVER, YOU MUST STAY IN DRESS CODE!
JCHS Announcements 10/28/19
Congratulations to Keelan Hodge for winning the JCHS Library drawing for the wireless earbuds! Each student who met their reading goal was entered into the drawing! Congratulations Keelan and to all our students who met their goal! #DragonProud
JCHS Red Ribbon Week! SEND A MESSAGE...STAY DRUG FREE! Click "view image" for dress up days!
Due to wet field conditions, the Mini Cheer Camp Pre-Game Performances will be held in Dragon Arena at 6:15pm. There will be a gate to pay to go into Dragon Arena for the mini cheer pre-game and then fans will be able to leave and not stay for the game OR go directly to the field from the side door of the arena. All other fans will go through the main field gate! As in all previous years, everyone must pay admission fee regardless if you are just coming to watch the cheer performances. GO DRAGONS!
BOO SOMEONE! Our yearbook staff wants Halloween to be a little extra sweet at school this year! Order forms are being sent home with our elementary students and high school students may pick one up in the office! All orders are due by 3pm Tuesday! Happy Halloween Dragon Fans!
JCHS Announcements 10/25/19
JCES Message from Superintendent Lowe and Mrs. Matochik: All K-6 students will remain in the stands with their parent/guardian at all football games. This is for student safety.
21CCLC after-school enrollment forms are due back by this Monday, October 28! Click link for enrollment form: https://5il.co/ate5
WE NEED YOUR HELP! JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL/NECC is hosting a Career/Mental Health Fair on Thursday, January 23, 2020 from 8am - 3pm! We need businesses, companies, colleges, mechanics, doctors, lawyers, chefs, beauticians, barbers, welders, etc. to set up booths and/or speak to our students about your profession or business! If you would like to reserve a FREE booth space, please email Deneen Miller at millerd@jcdragons.k12.ar.us or call 870-924-4575 ext. 515. DEADLINE TO RESERVE BOOTH SPACE: NOVEMBER 22, 2019! Thanks in advance for investing in the futures of our students!
JCHS Announcements 10/24/19
The Jr. Dragons travel to Fordyce today to take on the Jr. Redbugs! GO DRAGONS...BEAT THE BUGS!
7th grade game @ 5:30pm!
Jr. High game @ 7:00pm!
DSN GAMEDAY INFO - Fordyce @ JC 10/25/19
•Junior High Spirit Theme: Jersey/T-shirt day! Wear your favorite team's jersey or t-shirt!
•Elementary Red Ribbon Theme: Color Me DRUG FREE! Be RED-dy to say NO TO DRUGS!
Great job 3rd grade! They completed 161 minutes with 3.3 lessons completed and 150 minutes with 3.5 lessons completed last week. Mrs. Jackson's 2nd grade had 137 minutes with 3.3 lessons completed! #DragonProud #ZearnedIt
JCHS Red Ribbon Week starts Monday, Oct. 28! View image for dress-up days! #SendAMessage #StayDrugFree
JCHS Announcements 10/23/19
REMINDER! Tomorrow (Thurs) morning at 7am will be our final Grandparent Breakfast this year! We invite all grandparents of 4-6 graders to eat breakfast with your favorite kiddos!
Thanks to everyone who attended the Dragon Baseball Ring Banquet or purchased take-out plates! #DragonNation never disappoints! Click link for banquet/ceremony photos! https://www.facebook.com/JunctionCitySchoolDistrict/posts/1455607747922734 #DragonProud
REMINDER: Tomorrow (Wed) is the deadline to order Dragon flag shirts! Send forms/money to Mrs. Carelock.
Click this link for order form: https://5il.co/ah9v