JCHS Announcements 11/6/19 http://5il.co/4dw2
about 5 years ago, JCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS!
Be sure to watch the halftime show Thursday night for a special combined band salute to our Veterans!
about 5 years ago, JCHS BAND
Check out this week's Dragon Sports Network/ ERC General Contractors Coach's Show! https://youtu.be/HE5k2WXPOiE
about 5 years ago, DRAGON SPORTS NETWORK
UPDATE!!! JCHS 7-12 All Subject Tutoring will be held tonight from 5:30pm-6:30pm in Mrs. Raines's room! Students, please take advantage of this FREE resource!
about 5 years ago, TUTORING
7-12 Tutoring
JCHS Announcements 11/5/19 http://5il.co/4dw2
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
Thursday, Nov. 7 is SENIOR DAY! The Senior pep rally will be held in the Art & Activities Auxiliary Gym at 2:30pm with Pre-game ceremony beginning at 6:15pm on the field! Dragons host Parkers Chapel at 7pm! **Parents and seniors will need to sign in at the booster club table before 6pm. Parents/Family who will be escorting seniors will need to line up with your senior on the opposite side of the field at 6pm. Dress is casual. Senior football, cheer and band will dress in their uniforms. Cross Country and Golf seniors can dress casually. Please let Katie McGoogan or Joy Mason know if there are any changes to the senior information you provided. Thanks!***
about 5 years ago, SENIORS 2020
Senior Night
JCHS Announcements 11/1/19 http://5il.co/4dw2
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
WE NEED YOUR HELP! JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL/NECC is hosting a Career/Mental Health Fair on Thursday, January 23, 2020 from 8am - 3pm! We need businesses, companies, colleges, mechanics, doctors, lawyers, chefs, beauticians, barbers, welders, etc. to set up booths and/or speak to our students about your profession or business! If you would like to reserve a FREE booth space, please email Deneen Miller at millerd@jcdragons.k12.ar.us or call 870-924-4575 ext. 515. DEADLINE TO RESERVE BOOTH SPACE: NOVEMBER 22, 2019! Thanks in advance for investing in the futures of our students!
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
JCHS Announcements 10/31/19 http://5il.co/4dw2
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
Happy Halloween!
about 5 years ago, HALLOWEEN FUN!
HALLOWEEN REMINDERS! •The JCHS Library will be selling hot dog/chips combo for $2 tomorrow! •Let's make Halloween fun and safe! Students may dress up in costumes tomorrow but MUST STAY IN DRESS CODE. •Elementary Halloween parties begin in home rooms at 2:15pm tomorrow!
about 5 years ago, HALLOWEEN FUN!
Dragon Pumpkin
JCHS Announcements 10/30/19 http://5il.co/4dw2
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
Only 2 days left to bring items for our Operation Christmas Child Drive! All items/boxes due Friday, November 1. We are so blessed! Please help bring a blessing to another child in need! Thank you!
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
Micaela Anaya and Kaitlyn Borden mixed and matched today to show their school spirit in support of Red Ribbon Week! #RedRibbonWeek #DrugFreeDragons
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
Don't get mixed up with drugs!
The JCHS Library will be selling hot dogs and chips on Halloween for $2! #HalloweenFun
about 5 years ago, HALLOWEEN FUN!
Halloween Day!
JCHS Red Ribbon Week! Send a message...Stay Drug Free!
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
JCHS Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days
JCHS 7-12 STUDENTS: Beginning today, All-Subject Tutoring will be held in Mrs. Raines's room every Tuesday evening from 5:30 - 6:30pm. Students, please take advantage of this FREE resource to help you!
about 5 years ago, TUTORING
JCHS Announcements 10/29/19 http://5il.co/4dw2
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
REMINDER: Please bring your gifts to fill the shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child! You only have this week to collect items for a boy or a girl of your choice. Remember the 1st period class that fills the most shoe boxes wins spudnuts!
about 5 years ago, JUNCTION CITY HIGH SCHOOL
You've been Boo'd forms are due by 2pm today in the JCHS office! All JCSD parents/students/preK may participate in being Boo'd! Click on this link for order form: https://5il.co/b0oa
about 5 years ago, HALLOWEEN FUN!