JCSD Administration and Staff wishes all of our students and parents a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!

JCHS Band & Choir Concert! Click link for photos https://www.facebook.com/JunctionCitySchoolDistrict/posts/965936060223241

JCSD Board Meeting TONIGHT at 6:30pm in the Special Programs Building!

Check out this special goodbye to our Old Gym...

REMINDER! JCHS BAND & CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT TONIGHT @ 6PM IN MPR!!! Come join us for some beautiful music that will get you in the Christmas spirit!

87th Dual State Tournament news circulating out of the Border Town:
Boys Winner-Nashville Scrappers
Girls Winner-Warren Lady Jacks
**Special Congrats to our Lady Dragons for Runners-Up and our Dragons for Third Place!**
Congrats to Cooper Wilson! Winner of the Glover’s DSN Table/Chairs!

The DSN is LIVE at the 87th Dual State Tournament! We are broadcasting all games of this final day of of basketball action! Tune in! GO DRAGONS!!! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jc-dragons-football

Click the link to watch our JCHS Cheerleaders as they compete at STATE on Saturday! Please note: The NFHS charges a fee. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/tournament/arkansas-fall-championships/cheerleading-ar

WE HAVE A BUSY WEEKEND AHEAD! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!! TONIGHT! The Dragons host Crossett in regular season basketball action beginning at 5:00pm. Jr. boys & Seniors. SATURDAY! *Our Senior Cheerleaders compete in the 3A State Competition at Hot Springs! *Dual State action beginning at 3:00pm! Dragons play in consolation at 4:15pm and Lady Dragons play for championship at 7:00pm! GO DRAGONS & LADY DRAGONS!

Monday, December 18: Last day for exempt students AND review day.
Tuesday, December 19: Exams Periods 1-4. Regular schedule for the rest of the day.
Wednesday, December 20 : Exams Periods 5-8. Then Periods 1-2...School Dismisses at 1:30pm for Christmas Break.

JCHS host Crossett in a regular season basketball game tomorrow(Friday) beginning at 5:00pm. Jr. boys & Seniors.

ELEMENTARY PARENTS: Is your child missing something?? Several of our students have left coats/jackets at the playground, cafeteria, etc. and have forgotten about them! Please remind your child to pick up his/her coat/jacket at our LOST & FOUND!

Let's cheer for our Dragons & Lady Dragons tonight at Dual State! Lady Dragons play Hampton at 7:00pm and Dragons play Warren at 8:15pm!

DO YOU NEED SOME CHRISTMAS SPIRIT? Join us tonight for our Grades 2-3 production of "CHRISTMAS AT THE O.K. CORRAL" at 6:30pm in the MPR!! Merry Christmas from Grades 2-3! Trust us...you don't want to miss this!!!

ANNOUNCEMENT: The JCSD Board Meeting scheduled for tonight has been moved to Dec. 19 @ 6:30 in the SPB.

The 87th Dual State Tournament begins today at 4:30pm! Admission is $5.

GOOD LUCK to our junior high and senior high cheerleaders as they compete in Hot Springs tomorrow! This is the Best of the Best Championship for junior high and Pre-State Battle Classic for high school! GO DRAGONS!!!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The town of Junction City has a broken water main. The school still has water, but the health department has issued a boil order for the entire system. The district will provide students with purified drinking water throughout the school day until the situation has been resolved by the town of Junction City.

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