JCHS Announcements 9/14/18
Tomorrow (Friday) is Dress to Impress SPIRIT DAY! Pep Rally @ 2:30pm in MPR! Sr. Dragons travel to Haynesville for a 7:30pm kickoff!
To promptly address situations our school district may not know , the Junction City School District has created an anonymous electronic tip line. Parents, community members, students, and staff are encouraged to report if they have knowledge of a dangerous situation or bullying or have other concerns they think are relevant for making Junction City Schools a safer, more effective environment for students. In addition to this anonymous option, stakeholders are always encouraged to contact appropriate staff by phone or email anytime they have concerns.
Elementary Tip-Line Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdK2yUT71QaeSq30bLpShjFTB8sbVQM24a1i_R3yiZquUwPuA/viewform
High School Tip-Line Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoiH-NJT0_qkqTgD4zowymZgBPwC4UZPFDfHZj4VFko59Ihg/viewform
JCHS Announcements 9/13/18
2018 Dragon Homecoming is October 12th! The parade theme is: Board Games! Congratulations to our Queen TayKeetria and her court and escorts! Click this link for all things Homecoming! http://www.junctioncity.k12.ar.us/o/jcsd/browse/37188
Jr. High Pep Rally today at 1:40pm in MPR! 7th grade Dragons host Parkers Chapel @ 5:30 today followed by the Jr. Dragons @ 7pm on Paul H. Muse Field at David Carpenter Stadium! GO DRAGONS!
JCHS CLOSE-UP WASHINGTON STUDENTS NEED YOUR HELP! Text 870.310.8664 to order your Chicken Spaghetti Plates! This fundraiser will be held Tuesday night in the MPR during our Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences! Come to conferences and take home supper! Thanks for your support!
JCSD reminds parents, students, and faculty that Monday, September 17 is a teacher in-service day. No students. Tuesday, September 18 is parent teacher conferences from 3:00 to 7:00. Tuesday school dismisses at 2:25 elementary and 2:30 high school.
Tomorrow (Thurs) Jr. High Spirit Day is HAWAIIAN! Let's support our Jr. Dragons as they host the Parkers Chapel Trojans! 7th grade plays @ 5:30pm followed by the Jr. Dragons @ 7pm!
Good Luck to our JC Golf Team as they compete in Camden today against Harmony Grove and Parkers Chapel! GO DRAGONS!
JCHS Announcements 9/12/18
Homecoming T-Shirt Order Form! http://5il.co/4scw
Forms are due Thursday, September 27th in the JCHS Office.
JCSD School Board Meeting tonight at 6:30pm in the Special Programs Building.
JCHS Announcements 9/11/18
Patriot Day.
Never Forget.
God Bless America.
JCHS Announcements 9/10/18
IMPORTANT REMINDER! 21 CCLC 1st quarter enrollment forms are due tomorrow, Sept. 11!
JCHS Announcements 9/7/18
REMINDER! The School Safety Commission Public Meeting will be held today at 10am in SPB Meeting Room! We encourage all parents and community members to attend!
JCHS Students attending 2019 Close Up Washington are having a Chicken Spaghetti Fundraiser on September 18 from 3-7pm during the Parent-Teacher Conferences. TAKE OUT ONLY and you must purchase plates by Friday, Sept. 14. No last minute orders or walk-ins. Thanks!