JCHS Announcements 11/16/18
Drake Jackson, a junior at Northeast Claiborne Charter School was recognized by South Arkansas Community College for the highest statistical grade in welding. Congratulations Drake!
JCSD Facebook Page will be going LIVE today at 12:30pm! Our Close-Up Washington DC Students will be drawing for the winner of the $500! Watch to find out if you are the WINNER! Mrs. Hagler and her students thank all who purchased tickets to help us attend Close-Up in February!
EARLY DISMISSAL TODAY! Elementary 1:18 and high school buses should depart by 1:30. Parents, if you’re signing students out early, please do so before 12:30.
Mrs. Videssa Owens along with Principal Mason would like to thank everyone who attended our Fall Parent Night! You made it a great success! Parents, if you weren't able to attend, please click this link for a copy of our JCHS Event Calendar through February! https://5il.co/5n0c
JCHS Announcements 11/15/18
JCHS Fall Parent Night in the MPR at 6:00pm!
7-12th grade students and parents are encouraged to attend!
• Great Food!
• Escape Room/Prizes!
• Valuable Information!
• FUN!!!!!!
Let's make it a great night!
Junction City School District will release early Friday, November 16. Elementary load buses beginning at 1:18 and high school buses should depart by 1:30. Parents, if you’re signing students out early, please do so before 12:30.
Today the JCHS Men of Character met with the 6th grade boys. Senior Anthony Anderson and MOC Advisor Antoine Cook spoke to the boys about respect! #Respect #BuildingMenOfCharacter
Mrs. Matochik is one proud principal! Look at our elementary students reading in the hallway! #DragonsLoveToRead
PLEASE NOTE: The Pep Rally has been changed to 12:45pm on Friday!
Friday's Dragon Spirit Theme is Pajama Day! Students MUST stay in dress code! "Eat, Never Sleep, DRAGON FOOTBALL!" #2AWelcomeBackTourContinues #DragonsNeverSleep #PajamaDay
11/16/18 DSN Dragon Football Game Day Info!
JCHS Announcements 11/14/18
JCHS Fall Parents Night will be held Thursday at 6pm in MPR. ESCAPE THE DRAGON'S LAIR, KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY! 7-12th grade students and parents are encouraged to attend!
REMINDER: JCSD School Board Meeting TONIGHT at 6:30pm in the SPB.
JCHS Announcements 11/13/18
Junction City School District will release early Friday, November 16. Elementary load buses beginning at 1:18 and high school buses should depart by 1:30. Parents, if you’re signing students out early, please do so before 12:30.
JCHS Announcements 11/12/18
PLEASE NOTE! Fall Retakes/Senior Retakes/Band-Cheer pictures have been moved to Tuesday November 27!
TONIGHT! NECC Board Meeting 7:00pm