DRAGONS VS FORDYCE REDBUGS TONIGHT AT 8:30pm! 8-2A District Tournament Semifinals in Hampton! #GoDragons #RegionalBound
Make plans to attend our 4th Annual Black History Celebration this Sunday at 4pm in the MPR! #2020BlackHistoryMonth
JCHS Announcements 2/19/2020
REMINDER: Basketball, Band and Cheer Pictures will be taken tomorrow, Feb. 20! Forms in office.
REMINDER FOR TODAY: JCHS/NECC 7-12 Parent and Family Engagement Meeting in FACS Building at 2:30pm!
We are asking all JCSD-NECC stakeholders (parents, students, community, employees, etc.) to complete this short survey! Deadline to submit survey is Friday March 13. We appreciate you taking the time to help us make our school the best it can be for our students! Click link for survey: https://forms.gle/qaX2xf4jdPiWoroy6
REMINDER: Cheer Tryout Packets are due tomorrow, Feb. 19!
JCHS Announcements 2/18/2020
Happy Presidents Day! God Bless America! God Bless our Freedom! God Bless our President!
Have a great Friday!
JCHS Announcements 2/13/2020
Make plans to attend our 4th Annual Black History Celebration on Sunday, February 23 at 4pm in the MPR! This year's theme is African Americans: Breaking Barriers While Serving Our Country! "If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live." MLK JR.
REMINDER: No school for students tomorrow, Friday Feb. 14 for Teacher In-Service and No school on Monday, Feb. 17 in observance of Presidents Day. Enjoy your weekend!
TODAY! Parent-Teacher Conferences from 3:00pm to 7:00pm! Progress reports will be given to parents.
JCSD Parent/Teacher conferences are tomorrow February 13. Early dismissal tomorrow. Elementary will load buses at 2:20 and high school at 2:30. Parent/Teacher conferences will begin at 3:00 and end at 7:00. Friday, February 14 is a teacher in-service day—no students. No school on Monday February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.
REMINDER TO ALUMNI: Please take time to nominate a former JCSD teacher to be considered for our 2020 JCSD Educator Wall of Honor. Deadline to submit entries is March 20. Click link for online form and instructions: https://goo.gl/forms/eTOtH5GZdjpvUfKy2
If you would rather send a recommendation letter, you may mail it to
PO Box 790 Junction City, AR 71749
REMINDER: Charter students enrolled in drivers ed with Union Station, the bus leaves the high school parking lot at 7:15am on Saturday, February 15 and 11:15am on Sunday, February 16.
Support our Dragon Baseball Team by purchasing a Spirit shirt or hoodie! Click link for order form: https://5il.co/cyqe ORDER DEADLINE: February 21.
JCHS Announcements 2/12/2020
JCSD Parent/Teacher conferences are Thursday February 13. Thursday, elementary will load buses at 2:20 and high school at 2:30. Parent/Teacher conferences will begin at 3:00 and end at 7:00. Friday, February 14 is a teacher in-service day—no students. No school on Monday February 17 in observance of Presidents Day.