JCHS Announcements 9/9/2020
Please note: The Jr. High Football Game scheduled for next week September 10 at Parkers Chapel has been rescheduled for September 17 at 7pm at Parkers Chapel. Please spread the word.
•No Pep Rally today.
•Early dismissal today...Elem 2:20 and HS 2:30
•Let's "cheer" it for the boys! Click for 2020 Dragon Football Roster!
JCHS Announcements 9/4/2020
JCSD-NECC will dismiss school early tomorrow Sept. 4 at 2:30pm. Elementary will dismiss at 2:20pm. Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend!
JCSD-NECC Important Message Regarding Free School Breakfast/Lunch Forms:
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Arkansas Department of Education announced Wednesday, September 3 that all students will be provided free lunch and breakfast until December 31, 2020 as a response to COVID-19. The school needs all parents to complete and return the free lunch forms that were sent home with your students at the beginning of the year so that when USDA’s waiver on paid lunch ends, we can resume our free and reduced lunch program. Also, free and reduced lunch percentages are used to calculate supplemental Federal and State special funding that supports educational programs. We ask all parents to complete forms and return them as soon as possible. We do not know if the waiver will be extended to include the second semester.
We are cheering for our Junior Dragons! Beat the Bucks!
Click for roster: https://5il.co/kl07
JCHS Announcements 9/3/2020
We have many students who have not returned their school enrollment packets. Please do so ASAP. The packets are available in the office or to complete online at https://www.junctioncity.k12.ar.us/2020-21-student-enrollment-packet
Jr. Dragons Host the Smackover Jr. Bucks tonight at 7pm! Go Dragons!
JCSD-NECC DEN! Dragon football and early dismissal!
Dragon Fans: If you are planning to attend the Friday night Smackover/JC football game, Smackover is requiring each attendee to present a voucher at the gate in order to buy a ticket. The vouchers are in the HS office. First come, first served!
JCHS Announcements 9/2/2020
JCSD-NECC will dismiss early this Friday, Sept. 4 at 2:30pm. Elementary will dismiss at 2:20pm. Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend!
Check out our latest DEN video about our 21stCCLC After School Program that will begin September 14th! We hope all K-6 parents will complete the interest survey! https://youtu.be/FfAp59Qrono
JCHS Announcements 9/1/2020
Link for senior schedule: https://5il.co/k34g
Senior Portraits have been rescheduled for Wednesday, September 9 in the MPR! Please click link for senior time schedule!
Hey Dragon Fans! Check out this awesome football t-shirt! Click this link for order form: https://5il.co/kgvp Orders/Payment is due this Friday, Sept. 4! Support our Dragon Booster Club! Go Dragons!
JCHS Announcements 8/31/2020