JCSD is dedicated to the community. With COVID numbers rising, we are reopening applications to Dragon Virtual School (DVS).
DVS is a State Board of Education approved program. It is not the virtual education from last year. Our synchronous learning platform was created and is carried out by members of the school staff. To qualify for DVS, parents must work with the teachers. The Digital learning Committee will determine if applicants meet the criteria. Parents, you must have internet connectivity and a desire to monitor your child’s academic progress.
Jordan Weldon (weldonj@jcdragons.k12.ar.us) and Shelley Ray (rays@jcdragons.k12.ar.us) coordinate the program.
There are some limited requirements for students to physically come to school for testing. We believe the best place to learn is inside the classroom but also understand these are extraordinary conditions. JCSD is here to help. Please be aware that not all applications will be approved for DVS. Low tech, such as paper copies or flash drives is not an option.